
劳动力培训 Courses

继续教育帮助许多领域的专业人士获得或提高技能 that complement their current roles in the 工作场所. Some professions require regular continuing education credits to stay current with job requirements. 课程长度 range from a few hours to multi-week workshops and seminars. 培训 provided through 继续教育包括但不限于环境、健康、 和安全,微软办公产品,领导能力,沟通能力 工作场所.

如果您对我们提供的课程有任何建议,请联系 我们在256.352.7811.


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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
美国心脏协会(AHA)医疗保健提供者的基本生命支持. 这 认证被主要的医疗保健行业组织和机构所接受 basic knowledge of techniques and skills to revive patients in distress. 这门课 提供心肺复苏术和窒息缓解技术的理解,为成人,儿童, 以及如何使用自动体外除颤器(AED)设备.

时间: Classes are offered on Saturday mornings and lasts 4 hours.
学费: $95

Individuals may become trained as a phlebotomist in just 9 weeks.  抽血者, 或者是放血技术人员,从病人身上抽血,并将血样送到 the laboratory to prepare for testing.  They are important members of the clinical 实验室团队.  Our program includes instructional 培训, along with hands-on 培训.  Upon successful completion of coursework and clinical 培训, students will be eligible to sit for the state certification exam.

时间: Classes meet twice a week in the 晚上s. Classes are 3 hours and lasts 9 weeks.
学费: $900

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
本课程专为参与或指导医疗服务的医疗服务提供者而设 resuscitation of patients, in or outside of the hospital setting. ACLS强调 基本生命支持(CPR)对患者生存的重要性以及先进的干预措施; 多提供者场景,以及在复苏过程中使用的通信.

时间: Classes meet twice a week. Classes are 8 hours and last 1 week.
学费: 美元稍后通知

Medication Assistant (MAC)
专门为需要帮助接受药物治疗的人提供药物, such as the elderly, disabled or those in treatment facilities. MAC通常是 工作的注册护理助理(CNA)或注册医疗助理(CMA) 在有执照的护士的指导下在长期护理或精神健康机构. 在参加这个培训之前,你应该研究一下你想为谁服务的公司 to work to see if they do require their MAC to be a CNA or CMA.

Time & 课程内容: 该计划包括三周的课堂和实验室(共60小时)和两周 weeks of clinical rotation (40 hours). The classroom component is offered in-person 或者在网上,但是学生必须来学校参加培训和三天的培训 实验室教学. Classes will be held from 8 AM until 4 PM each day. 临床将 generally be 6:30 AM until 3 PM. Upon successful completion of instruction, lab and 临床成分,参与者的名字将提交给阿拉巴马董事会 护理学国家资格考试考试(MACE). 一个最大 of 24 students will be accepted into the program.

先决条件: 保险证明,免疫证明,体检证明,背景调查证明,心肺复苏术证明.
学费: $900. Other expenses include $100认证 exam fee and cost for scrubs.

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
学习感染控制、测量生命体征和提供个人护理.  Topics may include communication skills and patients’ rights.  Upon successful completion 当然,学生将有资格参加国家认证考试.

时间: Classes meet twice a week in the 晚上s. Classes are 3 hours and lasts 10 weeks.
学费: $900 plus $15 insurance fee (includes textbook and exam fee).

由国家餐饮协会开发的教育项目 food service workers about food safety.  However, it isn’t just for members of the NRA -任何人都可以通过两步程序获得ServSafe认证:第一步 the preparatory classes, then pass the exam.  Many state, county, and city governments now require food service employees to be ServSafe certified.

时间: 1天或3个晚上的选择,而考试时间安排在 晚上.
学费: $185 (1-day); $200 (3-day); $115 (Exam)

OSHA外展培训计划为一般行业提供入门级培训 对工人和雇主的认识、避免、减轻和预防 safety and health hazards in 工作场所s in general industry. The program also provides 有关工人权利、雇主责任以及如何归档的信息 投诉. 通过这种培训,OSHA有助于确保工人更有知识 about 工作场所 hazards and their rights. 学生 who successfully complete the CareerSafe OSHA 10小时通用工业课程获得OSHA 10小时通用工业钱包 card from the OSHA 培训 Institute (OTI).

时间: Classes are offered on Saturday mornings and lasts 5 hours for 2 weeks.
学费: $25

这个4小时的课程将为参与者提供更多工作所需的培训 在物流,运输和接收,运输等方面的机会 企业和行业依赖于叉车操作员移动货物.

时间: Classes are offered on Monday 晚上s and lasts 4 hours. (12小时)
学费: 每位参加者$175

Certified Production Technician
认证生产技术员(CPT)认证计划的目的是 通过认证认可,个人谁证明掌握核心 具备一线先进制造生产能力(入门级到 前线主管)通过顺利完成认证评估.  CPT认证计划的目标是提高绩效水平 生产技术人员,既可以帮助个人找到工资更高的工作 并帮助雇主确保他们的员工能够提高公司的生产力 和竞争力.  The CPT program consists of four required individual certificate assessments: Safety, Quality Practices & Measurement, Manufacturing Processes & Production, Maintenance Awareness.

课程内容: CPT四级.0程序包括四个单独的证书评估:安全(30) hours), Quality Practices & Measurement (36 hours), Manufacturing Processes & Production (38 hours), Maintenance Awareness (38 hours). *Candidates must earn the four certificates to receive the Full CPT 4.0认证.

时间: 140 - 160小时
学费: $1200

Certified Logistics Technician
注册物流技术员(CLT)认证计划的目的是 通过认证认可那些掌握核心竞争力的个人 在一线(从初级到一线主管)进行物料处理 successful completion of certification assessments.  The goal of the CLT certification 方案是提高后勤技术人员的工作水平,对两者进行协助 个人在寻找工资更高的工作,并帮助雇主确保他们的劳动力 increases the company’s productivity 和竞争力. 

The CLT program consists of two parts:
Mid-Level Technical CLT Certification (CLT) (35 hours)

时间: 70 - 80小时
学费: $900

协助区域工业的成功发展是中心不可或缺的角色 的职业 & 员工发展. At 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 we can provide customized solutions to needs in manufacturing processes or in office settings. 企业教育 & 培训 initiatives provided through the college offers highly trained subject-matter experts dedicated to business success and employee-centered 培训. 主题包括 但不限于品牌特定的机器人培训,专业焊接技术, Advanced Microsoft Office, and Adobe Acrobat Suite.

Customized 培训 Options:

  • 基本液压
  • 基本的气动
  • Networking Basics - CCENT Certification
  • Overhead Crane Operation
  • Multimeter Certification
  • Tools at Height Certification
  • Precision Measurement Certification
  • 基本PLC编程
  • 电机控制/交流 & 直流基础知识
  • 转矩认证
  • Basic Blueprint Reading
  • Geometric Dimensioning & 公差(GD & T)
  • Basic Machining Calculations
  • Microsoft Office Software
  • 定制的销售 & 管理培训

企业教育 & 培训 Clients:

  • Kamtek
  • 会见
  • 通用动力公司
  • 卡尔内阁
  • 美国的玻璃纤维
  • 铂房屋
  • ZeroRPM
  • 阿拉巴马州的护栏

Commercial Driver's License
这个160小时的课程为个人准备商业驾驶执照 (CDL)考试.  进入一个有回报的职业生涯,在卡车运输行业,合格的司机 and skilled employees are in high demand.

时间: Classes meet four times a week. Classes are 5 hours and last 4 to 6 weeks.
学费: $3500

NOTE: Course listings are subject to change. To see current offerings, view the 目前的计划
